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We are delighted to partner with Katie and Giancarlo Caldesi to provide their community with an exclusive opportunity
to receive a complimentary Prediabetes Retreat worth £3,500

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6 Nights


 1 Year



Western medical opinion is becoming increasingly aware that poor metabolic health is the common denominator across a wide spectrum of modern lifestyle disease, particularly in later life. As the UK’s first Metabolic Health Centre, Combe Grove has developed health programmes designed to prevent, manage and often reverse many of these conditions through transformative approaches to health and wellbeing that are both natural and sustainable.

Read on to discover how Combe Grove helps hundreds of individuals each year to make informed and measurable improvements to their life quality and health outcomes, and enter our competition to win a place on a specialist Combe Grove health programme.

The Prediabetes Programmes have been meticulously designed for:

· People with an interest in measurably improving their health and wellbeing whilst immersed in nature

· People who want to give themselves the gift of making positive, achievable and sustainable changes to their lifestyle

· People who may need support with specific challenges in a nurturing, natural environment

· People who are experiencing difficulties losing weight, lack of energy, deteriorating health or any other symptoms of poor Metabolic Health and insulin resistance

The six night Prediabetes Retreat has been meticulously designed to give you all the tools required to transform your health, supported by experts.

The team of Nutritionists, Dietitians, Medical Professionals and Doctors including Dr Campbell Murdoch and Dr Rebecca Hiscutt PhD have developed the Prediabetes Programme to include:

· Six night residential stay at Combe Grove

· 1:1 consultation with a Nutritionist

· Two delicious and nourishing meals every day

· One hour appointment with a Massage Therapist

· Use of the Combe Grove facilities such as indoor and outdoor pool

· Medical consultation by world expert in Metabolic Health Dr Campbell Murdoch

· Accuniq body composition analysis to measure your visceral fat, muscle mass and biological age

· One hour treatment with a Practitioner in Kinesiology, Reflexology, Physiotherapy and more

· Continuous glucose monitor to discover how your body responds to food, sleep, stress, movement and other activities

· Blood tests to check your Cholesterol and HbA1C levels which provide your average blood sugar over the past 3 months

· One Year Support Programme including weekly informative content, blood tests and private sessions with your dedicated nutritionist

· An inspirational talk from Katie and Giancarlo Caldesi, an Italian Chef and Cookery writer. Giancarlo reversed his Type 2 Diabetes, even with a love of bread and pasta

Metabolic health refers to the efficient functioning of the body’s metabolism, which involves the processes that convert food into energy. A well-functioning metabolism regulates blood sugar levels, manages cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and maintains a healthy weight. When these metabolic processes are functioning optimally, the risk of developing conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and metabolic syndrome is significantly reduced.

The benefits of Optimal Metabolic Health:

· Weight Management

· Increased Energy Levels

· Reduced Risk of Chronic Diseases such as dementia, heart disease and certain cancers

· Enhanced Mental Performance and Memory

· Better Sleep Quality

· Improved Mobility

· Balanced Mood and Emotional Well-being

Guided walk at Combe Grove

Located within 70 acres of mature woodland and rolling meadow in Bath, Combe Grove’s seven revolutionary Metabolic Health programmes focus on a medically measurable and sustainable approach to improving health and wellbeing, The programmes integrate leading medical science with a comprehensively holistic programme designed to rebalance the five key principles of human wellness: Nutrition, Movement, Sleep, Mindset, and Environment.

Each programme, which includes a six-night residential retreat on the Estate, is developed in collaboration with leading medical and nutritional experts, including renowned metabolic health specialist Dr Campbell Murdoch and Practice Lead Dr Rebecca Hiscutt PhD. Programmes include Metabolic Health for Optimum Health, Prediabetes, Menopause, Type 1 Diabetes, Food Addiction and from early 2025 Men’s Health and Fertility.

Combe Grove estate
Egg Brunch dish at Combe Grove

To Enter The Competition

1. Watch the short video below

2. Answer the question in the form at the bottom of the page

3. Complete the form

4. Click submit