Acupuncture is calming and restorative, excellent for balancing energy and can stimulate self-healing. It helps with embedded long term physical and emotional issues. Symptoms commonly eased include fatigue, headaches, fertility issues, hip and back pain, tennis elbow, sciatica, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and hay fever. Using very fine needles the treatment helps to rebalance and improve energy in the body. Moxibustion uses dried herbs to heat and stimulate points and channels in the body and helps the acupuncture treatment to work better. The session lasts an hour during which details are taken including your current health, previous issues and medications. Your pulse is taken and tongue reviewed with treatment decided on based on the resulting diagnosis. Loose clothing is ideal as most points used are on arms and legs. It is useful to have an outline of your past medical history and a clear impression of an ideal outcome from the treatment. The treatment may cause a little tiredness but not in every case.
What should people wear for your treatment?
Clients should wear loose clothing.
Generally points used will be on lower legs and arms but could also be on the back and in specific areas of discomfort.
Recommendation for treatment frequency
As an aid to a weeks reset acupuncture can help to nourish and support the cleansing and detox, especially through treating the vital organs, give relief from pain and improve your mood.
For chronic conditions weekly treatment is usually best to start until your health improves and then as and when needed. There is a cumulative effect that contributes to a strengthened immune system, hormonal balance and an overall sense of vitality.
What/who is the treatment beneficial for?
Fertility problems
Menopause symptoms
Menstrual issues
Digestive issues
Blood Pressure
Tiredness/Lack of Energy
Cleansing and Detox
Musculoskeletal problems
Back Pain
Joint Pain
How should clients prepare for the treatment?
Consider areas that require treatment
Your medical history
Medication you are taking
Bryan Melville – Acupuncturist
Bryan, who is originally from New Zealand, qualified as an acupuncturist in 1995 at The College of Integrated Chinese Medicine in Reading and is a member of The British Acupuncture Council. Believing strongly in treating the whole person and not just a particular symptom, Bryan studied integration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Five Element Acupuncture. His experience is that TCM helps relieve the physical symptoms whilst Five Element Acupuncture works to reach deeper, more emotional conditions. The combination leads to a healthier balance achieved more quickly.
Member of the British Acupuncture Council
Membership number 956220
My former acupuncturist of many years was retiring and highly recommended Bryan so that I carry on treatment.
Bryan is friendly, approachable and kind. He is also extremely knowledgeable and experienced about the theory and practice of acupuncture. Nobody likes needles, but Bryan puts me at ease and I feel safe during treatments. He has sorted out my menopausal symptoms to the extent that there is simply no need for me to use HRT. Not only that, but various niggles, injuries and infections that I have experienced over the years have quickly abated due to treatments from Bryan. I highly recommend him.
Mara, Bath
Bryan has been invaluable in my recovery after a kidney operation in helping to boost my immune system and energy levels. He is attentive throughout the session and is a very good listener. I like that he explains what he is doing and why and works with multiple issues within a session. I always feel something beneficial and profound has happened after a treatment.
Andy, Bath
To book a practitioners treatment, please email or call us directly on 01225 834644.