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“My week at Combe Grove changed my life. It taught me how to take control of my body and my health in simple, clear to understand ways”
Fiona Duncan, Telegraph Travel Expert
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"Simply the best retreat. Filled with fabulous information, delicious food and knowledgeable people who have your core interests at heart"
Michelle Robinson OLY, Age 52, Newport
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“For me the week at Combe Grove was revelatory, I learnt so much
from the exceptional staff”
Richard, Age 65, Exeter
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"I don’t think people realise that this is not just one week, this is a year’s experience. You get blood tests at home, full support, and they keep on top of your progress"
Christine, Age 69, Stayed December 2023
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“Professional excellence, this is the No.1 stay for anyone interested
in improving health”
Laura, Age 66, London