Structural Integration (SI) is a form of manual therapy that manipulates the fascial tissues of the body. Fascia is a very adaptive tissue that connects everything in the body (muscles, bones, organs, nerves etc.) from head to toe, inside to out. It is shaped by the way we move and interact with our environment. The more we move the better shape our fascia will be in but if we are sedentary or movement has become restricted, the fascia tends to stiffen. Where there is stiffness or extra tension, everything else must compensate which leads to structural imbalance and poor posture often resulting in pain.
SI techniques aim to decompress and hydrate the fascia which creates space for joint movement.
Each session begins with a structural assessment to identify areas of restriction and how they relate to any structural issues. Though a session may focus on a particular problem – the overall structural pattern is always considered since a whole-body perspective is better for more functional and lasting change.