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Combe Grove Food Ethos

Combe Grove’s Food Ethos is underpinned by a seasonal rainbow of plant-rich organic produce, a feast for the senses

and an abundance of fresh, flavourful and nourishing ingredients that are sustaining, satiating and inclusive.

The Healthy Eating Guidelines are an integral part of our Ethos. We aim for fewer carbohydrates in any given meal, with

a generous balance of natural fats and quality protein to support a healthy metabolism and provide you with the energy

you need. We hold a field to fork approach and you will experience the journey from planting to the plate, as most of our

ingredients are homegrown and harvested from the Estate’s Kitchen Garden.

Our Kitchen Garden adopts a ‘no-dig’ philosophy which creates minimal disturbance of the soil allowing the natural

processes to be conserved. ‘No dig’ means adding organic material to the soil and then allowing the worms to do the rest.

This lets the soil biome flourish, enabling us to grow healthful plants and vegetables bursting with natural nutrients. We

are mindful to include nectar-rich planting for pollinators, from bees to butterflies, to aid biodiversity. Our healthier soils

create healthier plants, more able to fight off pests and diseases themselves, and so all nourishment in the soil makes its

way back into our vegetables and then into us.

Combe Grove creates symbiosis between people and plants. The newly planted heritage Apple Orchard in the meadow

and rows of edible hedges around the Estate are part of our commitment to the future, providing offerings of apples,

blackcurrants and gooseberries. Our fruit trees are a plentiful source of sustenance for birds and badgers, and will entice a

diversity of pollinators, including moths, which are beneficial to the large variety of bats found on the Estate.

We strive to support our local economy and create stronger communities by buying from local producers and reducing food

miles. We show respect for the land and animals by buying organic produce and we never accept meat from intensively

farmed sources. We aim to ensure no exploitation of people or nature is incurred, especially when looking further afield, by

buying from Fairtrade and Fairwild, offsetting any ingredients we import to keep our carbon footprint low.

During your stay you are invited to explore the grounds, tour the Kitchen Garden, meet our chickens and enjoy healthy

and delicious food that is sustaining and sustainable.

Check out our Facebook and Instagram pages or come and visit The Map Room.