Reflexology is a therapeutic method which clears restrictions to the natural ability to create good health by stimulating pressure points on the feet and hands which correspond to the body’s systems. It is profoundly relaxing, powerful for relieving tensions, pain and feelings of confusion or disorientation. Afterwards, you may feel relaxed, rejuvenated and energised, with restored mental clarity. Reflexology works through pressure points (reflexes) to affect the body, which holds the energy of the mind and emotions. A session lasts an hour. Sitting in a reclining reflexology chair your feet or hands will be massaged and points manipulated by touch appropriate to your needs whilst Rosalind focuses on the causes of illness and pain. Reflexology is very effective for easing stress related conditions, anxiety, back pain, digestive problems, breathing issues, headaches, migraines and many other issues.
Rosalind Oxenford – Reflexologist
Rosalind combines her years of professional experience with an empathetic and nurturing presence. She has the amazing ability to recognise where life’s stresses are held in the body and to gently ease them with the most intuitive of touches. She is highly experienced in holistic medicine and with a background in healing and homoeopathic training.
Having qualified in 1990 Rosalind is a member of The Association of Reflexologists and set up her own training school, The Bath Reflexology Centre, in 1995. She has written two books on reflexology. Rosalind has been instrumental in setting up the Combe Grove wellness practitioners’ portfolio and is always happy to share her wider holistic knowledge with her clients and colleagues.
Book Reflexology
All Practitioners Treatments | 60 minutes / £80.00
To book a practitioner treatment, please email or call us directly on 01225 834644