The combination of herbal and Bach flower therapy has the potential to support and treat every body system physically, mentally and emotionally in a positive way. Herbal Medicine has a profound physical effect on the body and supports metabolic health. There are classes of herbs specifically suited to supporting and treating each body system including the digestive, musculoskeletal, hormonal, immune, nervous, skin and urinary systems, helping to regulate, balance, nourish and reduce pain. Herbal medicine is also suited to support women through fertility, pregnancy and menopause. In addition to the physical support herbal medicine can provide, there are herbs specific for supporting adrenal stress, burnout and nervous system conditions such as anxiety and depression. Bach flower therapy is specifically for supporting emotional health and wellbeing. They can help ease anxiety, loneliness and depression, trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder, fear, phobic states, panic and high anxiety to name but a few. They are also safe for children and during pregnancy.
Herbal Medicine
Katie Tildesley – Herbalist
Katie is a fully qualified Medical Herbalist and Bach Flower Practitioner, a member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists and a Bach Flower Registered Practitioner. Katie’s interest in the natural world led her to study for a first degree in Plant Biology. During this time, having worked with and received treatment from an inspiring local herbalist, Katie pursued a second degree in Herbal Medicine. A fascinating eight years followed working with the herbal and education team at Pukka Herbs whilst also building a private practice. Working with many patients suffering from the results of a high-stress lifestyle the effects of burnout, fatigue and stress related anxiety and insomnia took Katie on a further journey learning about the Bach Flower treatment system and its unique ability to target specific emotional states and a qualification as a fully trained Bach Flower practitioner.
To book a practitioners treatment, please email or call us directly on 01225 834644.