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Metabolic Health | Eating well to help prevent lifestyle diseases

Eating Well to help prevent lifestyle diseases

Older couple collecting wild flowers whilst walking

Lifestyle diseases

As a result of modern living, it is no coincidence that the incidence of type II diabetes, obesity, heart disease,  and cancer increased as our diets became saturated with highly processed and refined foods. Eating well to help prevent lifestyle diseases is a conscious choice and one which has been shown to limit or even reverse the effects of many lifestyle diseases.

Healthy lifestyle habits such as exercise, eating well and having the correct amount of sleep can slow or reverse the damage from high blood sugar and can reverse type II diabetes, obesity, hypertension and heart disease.  Not only this but changes in diet and eating well can support the symptoms of other ailments such as arthritis, osteoporosis, especially if you include real foods with anti-inflammatory properties such as nuts, oily fish, turmeric, ginger and green leafy vegetables.

Plant rich diet

Many chronic conditions can be prevented by identifying the root cause, which often is a case of redressing daily habits, including what, how and when we eat. Enjoying a diet rich in vegetables, beans and pulses is hugely beneficial for metabolic health.

Metabolic health

Metabolism is the set of life-sustaining chemical reactions in our bodies that control the conversion of food to energy.

Maintaining good metabolic health is essential for maintaining energy levels, tissue repair, cellular reproduction and importantly, for warding off disease.  

Ways to maintain metabolic health

  • Eating a predominantly whole food, plant-rich diet low in sugar and processed foods
  • Drinking adequate amounts of water
  • Getting approximately 8 hrs of restful sleep a night
  • Getting regular exercise
  • Time-restricted eating several days a week
  • Getting plenty of sunshine, fresh air and nature therapy
  • Cultivating contentment through social interaction, meditation or hobbies

Benefits of time-restricted eating

Time-restricted eating, when you eat a well-balanced diet within a particular window of time each day, can aid metabolic health, regulate blood sugar and aid weight loss. 

Benefits of an anti-inflammatory diet

The immune system becomes activated when your body recognises a foreign body for example, plant pollen. This can trigger inflammation and persistent, ongoing inflammation (even when not threatened by an invading microbe) can be a driver in major diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, depression, and Alzheimer’s. A diet rich in real foods that helps combat inflammation may reduce the symptoms of or even prevent the onset of some lifestyle diseases.

At Combe Grove, we are pleased to support your health and wellness goals by serving nutritious freshly cooked real food made from produce directly from our own market garden and ingredients from a selected range of local suppliers.  Our members CAFF serves soups, salads and refreshments to take away or enjoy in the fresh air of the estate. We look forward to welcoming you to join us on your journey to wellness at The Club at Combe Grove.