Ways to Maintain a Healthy Work-Life Balance When Working From Home.
Ways to Maintain a Healthy Work-Life Balance When Working From Home.
When working in an office environment, there is a clear definition between work life and home life. That definition usually includes travelling between your home and your place of work. When working from home, that psychological separation does not exist to enable you to compartmentalise your day, but there are other ways to help maintain a healthy work-life balance when working from home.
Why is a work-life balance so important?
A work-life balance is crucial – not only for mental health – but also for creating a healthy and positive work environment. No matter how much you love your job, if you do not allow yourself time away from the work environment, you may start to feel job burnout. Burnouts can lead to excessive stress, fatigue and insomnia and there are physical issues that come with a lack of work-life balance. When spending excessive amounts of time at your desk, without breaks to stretch and eat, you are not prioritising your health. Allowing time for exercise before or after work is excellent for reducing stress and boosting long-term productivity. Here we share a few simple ways to maintain a healthy work balance when working from home:
1. Have a designated work area that is separate from where you relax.
When working from home you can be faced with more distractions than whenworking in an office environment. Whilst working in the office, you have a clear definition of workspace and co-workers that can help boost productivity levels. Whereas, when working from home, your productivity is all on you. For this very reason, it is important to set up an office area at home that is different than where you spend your downtime.
When working from the comfort of your own home, it may be tempting to simply haul your laptop onto your bed in the morning and continue to work from your bed. However, there are several reasons why working from your bedroom isn’t a good idea as it can have negative effects on your sleep quality, productivity, mood and energy. By setting up a designated office space in a different room, you can leave that place when the workday is over and then take yourself to a different area for relaxing.
2. Get ready in the morning the same way that you would if you were going to work.
When working from home, your morning routine is just as important as everything else. Since you are working from the comfort of your own home, it can be tempting to use your mornings differently. Without travel-time eating into your day, it can be tempting to use this time for an extra thirty minutes of sleep. However, for some, this may be counterproductive. Instead, it may be beneficial to use this time to stretch and fully wake up before your day ahead. In the same way that you would when going into the office, jump in a shower, get dressed and be sure to enjoy a breakfast that will fuel your day before settling into your desk for the day.
3. Go for a walk or spend some time outside when the workday is over.
We’ve spoken about this before in our blog The Importance of nature on your mental health and spending time outside is now just as important as ever. By taking time outdoors after your office hours, you are allowing yourself space to mentally shift and quite literally step away from the workday. Many have noted the importance of planning personal activities for after the home workday is over. Doing this gives you a reason to step away from your desk. So, schedule yourself a walk for the moment that your office time is over, breathe the fresh air, stretch your legs and unwind from your day. Perhaps even call a friend for a catchup whilst you are out.
4. Yoga for work-hour definition
One way to help your mind and body to understand the difference between work-time and your own time is to add a clear definition from when it starts to where it ends. One method for this is a wake-up yoga session before you begin your workday followed by a wind-down session at the end. As a bonus, starting your day with some wake-up yoga and mindful breathwork can work wonders for getting you into the ‘work zone’. At Combe Grove, we are offering the option to take part in an online class programme to help keep you active in a safe environment.
5. Maintain routine in your day.
When working from home, it can be easy to feel that since your work hours are flexible, you can put in your hours at any time. Whilst this flexibility can be great, it can also give you the feeling that you need to be available at all times. Therefore, if you decide to switch up your routine, be sure to stick to it, switch off your laptop and walk away when the workday is over. Also, be sure to set yourself scheduled breaks within this time for food and some fresh air.
If you enjoyed this blog on ‘ways to maintain a healthy work-life balance when working from home’ then feel free to check out our other journal posts where we share more tips on physical and mental health. Stay safe and we look forward to welcoming you back to Combe Grove soon.