Apprentice Videos
An apprenticeship at Combe Grove could be an alternative to university, offering an opportunity to earn whilst you learn. Our enhanced apprenticeships will include opportunities to engage with the local community, broaden your work experience, extend your learning with additional qualifications and courses, and a partnership programme with aligned neighbouring organisations.
Apprentices are an essential part of Combe Grove and one of the main reasons for the purchase of the property by social enterprise The Elmhurst Foundation in 2017. One of our main charitable aims is to turn the site into a centre for work-based learning excellence and offer 90 high-quality perpetual apprentice positions in a wide variety of disciplines over the coming years.
Here are some videos from our current degree level apprentices.
Meet Esme, Digital Marketing Apprenticeship
Meet Katy, B2B Sales Apprenticeship
Meet Kyra, B2b Sales Apprenticeship
Meet Katie, B2c Sales Apprenticeship
Meet Lucy, Marketing Manager Apprenticeship