Learning at work week – A word from Combe Grove Apprentices
Learning at work week – A word from Combe Grove Apprentices
An apprenticeship at Combe Grove is an excellent alternative to university and our enhanced apprenticeships include opportunities to learn with an inspiring mentor, engage with the local community, broaden your work experience and extend your learning with additional qualifications and courses. We provide an environment to continue developing new skills whilst working and encourage everyone to learn something new every single day. In light of Learning at work week, we would like to take this opportunity to share more about learning and apprenticeships at Combe Grove.? Here is what some of our Level 6 apprentices have to say about working at Combe Grove.
Kyra, Level 6 apprenticeship in B2B sales – My name is Kyra and I am 20 years old. I started my Business-to-Business Sales Degree Apprenticeship at Combe Grove in November 2020. For me it was an easy decision to choose a degree apprenticeship over university for three main reasons.
- You learn whilst working: I find I learn best through experience so by learning theories through my studies I can see how they play out in real life
- Get ahead of your peers: by combining studying for a degree with practical skills you develop in the workplace you will gain some great experiences to use as examples in job interviews, making you more employable once you finish your degree
- No student debt! On top of that you get paid. While working and doing a degree is busy and time consuming, having your own income makes it worthwhile
I am really enjoying my degree apprenticeship at Combe Grove and would recommend it as a great alternative to university.
Katy, Level 6 apprenticeship in B2B sales – An apprenticeship at Combe Grove not only allows you to develop your skill set, but you can work in a beautiful location where health, well-being, and sustainability are all part of the fabric of the organisation. Also, to be able to study for a degree and gain work experience in your chosen field is a great advantage in your future career. You receive guidance and support from your mentor to help you gain confidence and learn new and valuable skills.
Miranda, Level 6 apprenticeship in Business Management and Economics – I have been an Apprentice at Combe Grove since 2017 and have worked with almost every team within the business, gaining valuable experience and developing skills that I could not acquire in full time study. It has been a privilege to work alongside some inspiring, motivational managers who have pushed me to reach my full potential. I have learned about what excites me and which path I would like to take in my future career, and I have been able to gain relevant qualifications in my chosen path; for example, completing a Business Level 3 qualification and studying Business Management and Economics at university.
One of the reasons I chose to work at Combe Grove is that the charitable objectives of the Elmhurst Foundation match with my personal ethos. I love working outdoors and spending time in nature, and it has been wonderful to see the progress made on the estate by my The Estate Team apprentices over the years, under the guidance of the Estate Manager.
Combe Grove is located in such a beautiful area, walking on the estate and being able to use the gym and the swimming pool allows you to take care of your health, both physical and mental. I am happy to be supporting the transition of Combe Grove into a centre for Health and Wellbeing, and I am excited to see what the future holds.
Esme, Level 6 Apprentice studying Digital Marketing at the University of Gloucestershire – I have been an Apprentice at Combe Grove since the end of 2020 which currently brings me to the midpoint of my first year, both within the business and my Degree qualification. Within my first 6 months at Combe Grove, I have worked with an engaging team of like-minded individuals, engaged with different areas of the business and supported Combe Grove’s growth into a space for health and wellbeing. Jo, the Marketing Manager has been an inspiring and integral part of my experience at Combe Grove. Having run her own business, she is an excellent mentor. The learning ethos at Combe Grove is that of gentle guidance through education whilst allowing a great deal of self-learning.
For a long time, I knew that an apprenticeship was the path that I wanted to take when pursuing a degree. Combe Grove has not only allowed me the opportunity to work whilst learning, but they have also provided a kind, sustainable and beautiful location to do so. The balance of work and learning is not easy – but it is definitely worth it.
Lucy, Level 6 Marketing and Management Apprentice – An apprenticeship at Combe Grove, allows you to work amongst a cohort of other like minded individuals with a passion for ecology, sustainability, health and well-being. Whilst, also giving you the space to learn and educate.
To learn more about apprenticeships at Combe Grove, visit https://combegrove.com/apprenticeships/. A space where it is ‘learning at work week’, every week.