Structural Integration

Stimulating Self-Healing

Rebalance Your Energies

Structural Integration (SI) is a manual therapy technique that works with the body’s fascia . Fascia is a connective tissue that links muscles, bones, organs, and nerves throughout the body that can adapt to way we  move  and our environment. Regular movement keeps fascia flexible, whereas sedentary lifestyles or restricted movement can cause stiffness. This stiffness often leads to compensatory structural imbalances and poor posture, resulting in pain.

How it works

SI aims to decompress and hydrate the fascia, creating space for improved joint movement. Each session starts with a structural assessment to identify restrictions and their relation to broader structural issues. Although specific problems may be addressed, the therapy considers the entire body for more effective and lasting results.


What/who is the treatment beneficial for?

Structural Integration is effective for addressing joint-related issues such as those in the head, jaw, spine, limbs, pelvis, and shoulder girdle, postural problems, movement restrictions and chronic tension and pain. It also helps to improve capacity for breathing  which is essential for overall health.

What should I wear for my treatment?

SI is performed with direct skin contact where feasible, or through light clothing, therefore, it is advisable to wear loose, non-restrictive clothing or gym kit.

How often is treatment recommended?

One session can improve movement range and flexibility. Simple exercises will be given to integrate the techniques from the session. Typically, three sessions are recommended: focusing on the upper body, lower body, and then integrating through the spine. However, the treatment plan can be customised to meet specific needs and schedules.

How should I prepare for the treatment?

Providing recent reports from scans or tests related to musculoskeletal conditions can be helpful.


SI is not suitable for individuals with active infections, fevers, acute inflammation, or recent trauma. It may also be contraindicated for those with osteomyelitis, severe osteoporosis, or certain types of rheumatoid arthritis.

Please inform me if you have conditions such as embolism, thrombus, aneurysm, epilepsy, cancer, varicose veins, heart issues, recent scar tissue, or any chronic infectious condition so that the treatment can be adjusted accordingly.

Meet Nicki O'Clarey, Structural Integration Practitioner

Nicki has an avid curiosity and respect for physiology having studied anatomy, movement and exercise science along with various somatic movement practices for over 30 years. She particularly likes to utilise movement methods that explore natural function and awaken the senses.

Since the body is so interconnected, Nicki believes that analysing the whole-body pattern is key to understanding the cause of movement problems.

Structural Integration – KMI School for SI

Applied Functional Science Cert – Gray Institute (USA)

Register for Exercise Professionals – REPS (level 4) 

MSc Exercise (Dance) Science – LABAN

Nicki O’Clarey

Client Testimonials

Nicki is one of the most accomplished, authentic and effective therapists I have encountered in 35 years of reporting on health and wellbeing. She tunes in to the root cause of the issue and gives a clear road-map for returning bodies to ease. I can’t recommend her highly enough.

Jane Alexander – Journalist and author specialising in wellness & travel.

Nicki blends her deep understanding of exercise and movement into her SI sessions. She has a keen eye for structural detail and can spot the little things that are key to making improvements and help you to feel more comfortable in your body.

James Earls – bodyworker, writer and lecturer specialising in Myofascial Release and Structural Integration
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