The Engine for Life
At Combe Grove we work with medical evidence to achieve results for real people. Our body supplies us with signs to let us know if our physical and mental health is optimal and balanced or if it is struggling. These signs are different for each individual but can include fatigue, poor sleep, aches and pain, frequent hunger and cravings, brain fog, anxiety and low mood. We may recognise these signs yet not have the clarity of how to resolve them. To move forward we need workable solutions to achieve the healthier life we desire. Understanding the term ‘Metabolic Health’ is the key and the team at Combe Grove are here to give you that key.
“Metabolic Health is the engine for life; the foundation of physical and mental health. It’s the ability of the body to use, store, and access energy whilst maintaining stability and thriving. The key measures of Metabolic Health are blood sugar, waist circumference, blood pressure and blood fats (lipids). We are considered in good Metabolic Health when all the measures are in the normal healthy range”
Dr Campbell Murdoch, GP

Metabolic Health and How it is Measured
Metabolic Health describes the internal workings of your body’s engine and refers to the overall state of various metabolic processes within the body, including those related to energy production, utilisation, and storage. It encompasses the efficient functioning of hormones, enzymes, and other biochemical pathways involved in the breakdown, synthesis, and regulation of nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
The 10 Markers of Metabolic Health™ are pivotal our approach to measuring Metabolic Health.

Metabolic Health and Insulin
Core to metabolic health is insulin sensitivity: The responsiveness of cells to insulin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels by facilitating the uptake of glucose into cells for energy or storage. When the cells in our body stop responding to insulin efficiently blood glucose levels rise and metabolic imbalance is the consequence. This is known as insulin resistance and has far reaching consequences on the body impacting blood glucose regulation, body composition, hormone balance and levels of inflammation.
At Combe Grove we guide each individual to understand how their metabolic health has become imbalanced and construct a clear and achievable personalised plan to reset their health and restore balance. We then support them to put these changes into action and build sustainable new habits which work in their everyday life. We achieve this utilising The Combe Grove 5 Roots to Metabolic Health™, namely Nutrition, Sleep, Movement, Environment and Mindset.