Book Group Classes

Our Studio Timetable

Book Group Classes at Combe Grove

Please consult the link below to view the updated timetable for group exercise classes, including those held in the Studio, Spin Class Studio and outdoor areas. The schedule has been revised to incorporate new classes and adjust class times. A diverse range of classes is available, such as Pilates, Spin, Yoga, HIIT and Circuits.

Useful Info & FAQs

How do I attend in-person classes?

Group exercise classes are conducted in the Studio, Spin Studio, adjacent to the Main Studio, and the Oak Room. Yoga classes in the late afternoon and evenings are held in the Oak Room, located in the building opposite the outdoor pool, with access at the entrance furthest from the Coach House Reception. All in person classes can be booked online.

How do I attend online classes?

For online classes, Members will receive a link via email upon booking.

How do I check-in for my class?

Upon arrival at Combe Grove, please check in to your class using the iPad at Reception to confirm attendance.

What is Combe Grove's cancellation policy?

If unable to attend a class, please cancel the booking with a minimum of two hours’ notice to allow others to participate. Failure to cancel a missed class will incur a £10 charge.

How to Register an Account & Book Classes

You can book for any class using the timetable below, or download our dedicated app via the Apple App Store or Google Play store

In order to book a class, you need to have a Mind Body account. If you’re not yet registered, you can signup after clicking the ‘Book’ button.

Class Timetable

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